Friday 27 May 2011

Not Sorry

Everyone's saying sorry for not posting well I'm NOT sorry. No one is even going to read this anyway. No one's been waiting around for us to post some more awesome stuff. Well if you're reading, just comment and say hi so we know that what we're doing is actually being read? Thanks sweetie. Love you.

Now um... Yeah. Do me a favour. No actually this is your homework. Choose one of the following or do them all. And you can call me Professor Pooh Bear.

Go make a rainbow, go eat 'The Script', go catch 100 stars or go and make 10 different strangers' day within 24 hours. If anyone manages to do any of these things, I'll give you a golden sticker!!!

And I may be talking in figurative language so please don't injure yourself trying to climb up onto some roof with a net and literally swiping around for big fireballs. (or I may be talking literally but take it as you will.)

Anyway... if you do get around to doing any of these things, please comment and let me know. :) (I have reports to write and lollies and stickers to hand out.)


Professor Pooh Bear

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