Saturday is Judgment Day. Judgement Day is when the world ends. I wanna be like Britney and dance till the end of the world!
Apparently, flyers have been handed out advertising Judgement Day. Looks like 2012 has come early... this means I can't buy the upcoming NKOTBSB album. :(
Just kidding. I don't believe in any of this... (I can't think of a better word so I'm gonna say...) yahoo. As if it's actually gonna end on Saturday!! There's no scientific or logical proof of the world ending on 21/05/2011. Anyone who believes this stuff must be reeeeally gullible. But if it does end, then I'm gonna be mad that I've spent most of my life at school. -_-
I'm not that good at explaining things, so here's more info on Wikipedia:
Well, that's all I have for now. See ya! Peace out and KTBSPA!!
That's kinda freaky