Friday 13 May 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts this week. There hasn't been anything for me to write about lately. I'll make it up to you by showing you this stupid video I saw a few days ago.

It's called OMG by Jenna Rose. So, the video starts off saying 'Jenna Rose as the Miss Teen Boom Boom Doll' or something like that. There's already something with that. First off, she's not a teen, she's twelve. And secondly, what kind of name is Miss Teen Boom Boom Doll? Sounds like a stripper name if you ask me. Then during the rest of the video, she dances in a provocative way, while wearing either a baggy shirt with short shorts and a choker covered with rhimestones, a (slutty) angel outfit or lots of glitter and makeup on her eyes. Please, if you have a YouTube account, FLAG THIS AS CHILD ABUSE OR SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE WITHOUT NUDITY!! It's basically child porn. She's not old enough to be dancing like that or singing those type of lyrics!! ._.

Well, bye for now. Peace out and KTBSPA!! ;)


  1. You don't know what to post about? What about the script? :)

  2. Hahahahaha, it's gonna take you a lot of hard work to get me to like The Script. :P
